23: The Conspiracy vs. The Conspiracy Theory - The NSA vs. The EU
We talk about the difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory and how conspiracy theories fall apart computationally - Leilani Albano talks to Danny O'Brien of the EFF about the NSA's surveillance of people in the EU.

22: Cloaking Your Photos with Fawkes - Language Models
We talk about the tool Fawkes, which changes your images slightly to make it so machines cannot recognize them - Dr. Peter Eckersley is here to talk Language Models, how they're here to stay, and that one(?) creepy Black Mirror episode.

21: Perseverance - AVFTO: Notifications - FBI & Black Activists
We talk about the amazing Perseverance rover with Jim Bell - Joanna Miller gives us A View from the Outside - Leilani Albano interviews freepress.net Sandy Fulton about FBI surveillance of Black activists

Episode 17: AVFTO Ritual - Fact Check the Internet - CCPA & Contact Tracing
AVFTO's Joanna Miller talks Ritual with Casper ter Kuile - Roy Natian reminds us what social media is really for - Leilani Albano talks with Hayley Tsukayama about CCPA and contact tracing

Episode 12: Zoom Security - The CoronaCorps - Quarantine@Home
Leilani Albano is joined by Micah Lee to talk about Zoom - Dr. Peretz Partensky talks about the CoronaCorps, and Dr. Cosmo Mielke is here to talk about his efforts with Quarantine@Home to help find potential drugs to target SARS-CoV-2

Episode 11: Contact Tracing - Mirakind - Invest in Innovation
Dr. Peter Eckersley on contact tracing & privacy, Loretta Whitesides on Mirakind's goal to test essential workers in LA, Dr. Addison Killean Stark on investing in innovation for a robust pandemic recovery

Episode 08 - NewMo: COVID-19 + Culture - Ethics of Wireless Location Data - Tech for Campaigns
NewMo talks cultural shifts due to COVID-19, the EFF on wireless companies selling location data, and Tech For Campaigns.

Episode 05: Slamdance - 5G - AI in the Criminal Justice System
Paul Rachman on the Slamdance Film Festival, Danny O'Brien from the EFF on security concerns around 5G, and AI in the Criminal Justice System.