21: Perseverance - AVFTO: Notifications - FBI & Black Activists
We talk about the amazing Perseverance rover with Jim Bell - Joanna Miller gives us A View from the Outside - Leilani Albano interviews freepress.net Sandy Fulton about FBI surveillance of Black activists

Episode 13: Rideshare Drivers United - Phishing in the Time of COVID-19 - Space
Ric Allen interviews Tyler Sandness of Rideshare Drivers United, Roy Natian is here to talk phishing in the age of COVID-19, and Dr. Casey Handmer is back to talk about self isolating and thinking about long-term space travel.

Episode 04: Republicans on Climate Change - Starships - Future of Meat
Dr. Addison Stark discusses bipartisan efforts to solve climate change + Dr. Casey Handmer talks Space X's Starship, and Dr. Jun Axup goes beyond Beyond Meat in our latest podcast.

Episode 01: Starlink, Art Pranks, & Renewable Energy in the Heartland
From Starlink freeing us from our ISPs, to pranking tech companies like oracle, to the renewable energy boom in the heartland… there’s something for everyone.