Episode 12: Zoom Security - The CoronaCorps - Quarantine@Home

Leilani Albano is back and interviews journalist for The Intercept Micah Lee about Zoom security flaws.

Dr. Peretz Partensky is here talking about his piece for Wired, "To Beat the Coronavirus, Raise an Army of the Recovered" where he coins the CoronaCorps, "civilian army that may be able to fill in gaps in public services, insulate the vulnerable from infection, help map the spread of the virus, and give our medical system room to breathe."

In the last part of the show, Dr. Cosmo Mielke is here to talk about his efforts with Quarantine@Home a project that lets you donate your spare compute power to find drugs that target SARS-CoV-2.


Episode 13: Rideshare Drivers United - Phishing in the Time of COVID-19 - Space


Episode 11: Contact Tracing - Mirakind - Invest in Innovation