Episode #62: Top 10 Jobs Most Vulnerable to AI Displacement

While ChatGPT and Generative AI have been making headlines over widespread fears that Artificial Intelligence will lead to massive layoffs across industries, one report debunks that theory. A recent UN study shows that AI is more likely to augment rather than eliminate most jobs. Despite this, there are lingering fears that AI could have a large impact on employment. A recent article by Business Insider on the topic, takes a look at 10 jobs most vulnerable to AI displacement. A major concern is the (as of this airing) ongoing Hollywood Writers and Actors Strike. Government and community leaders are looking to job re-training, legislation and union involvement to combat the harmful effects of Artificial Intelligence on job markets. With us today to discuss the issue is Bill Swartout, Chief Technology Officer with the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies. He spoke with Digital Village’s Leilani Albano.


Episode #63: Biden Takes More Action on Climate Change than Any Other US President (Part I)


Episode #61: President Biden and other US legislators want to put a stop to TikTok