Episode #64: Biden Takes More Action on Climate Change than Any Other US President (Part II)

Thanks for joining us for Part 2 of this show on President Joe Biden and the environment.

 In the last segment, we focused on Biden’s environmental accomplishments, including passage of the landmark Inflation Reduction Act. Through the act, Biden reversed many of Trump’s anti-environment policies and introduced measures that make it achievable to reach net-zero.

 In this program, we will examine the effects of Biden’s presidency on the environment, recent Supreme court decisions and what it will mean for climate change if Trump wins in November.

 News of Biden’s exit from the presidential race has been met with sighs of relief among Democratic legislators and activist groups, who fear a Republican win at the polls.

 Environmental organizations have endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as president, who cast the tie-breaking vote to pass Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act. However, some say her climate change record as a California prosecutor has been a mixed bag.


Episode #65: California Passes $10 Billion Bond Measure That Fights Climate Change


Episode #63: Biden Takes More Action on Climate Change than Any Other US President (Part I)